Vote Early - Vote by Mail - Or Vote Election Day April 1st
Mark is a twenty-year Lockport resident with a dedicated tenure of distinguished public service in education, Lockport city government and as a former Homer fire district trustee. Mark has always strived to do what is best for the students he teaches, and the residents he represented in Lockport city government and as a Homer fire trustee.

Fiscal Accountablity
Ensure fiscal accountability and transparency of all City Departments and Committees
Experience You Can Trust
Proven leadership with a track record of delivering results for Lockport
Responsive Leadership
Always accessible and ready to listen to your concerns and ideas
Your Voice on City Council
Standing up for you and the priorities of the 1st Ward at City Hall
Smart Growth
Promoting and encouraging development that benefits everyone without sacrificing quality of life
Lockport City Council
2018 - 2023
Police Department Council Liaison
Negotiations Council Liaison
Voted Annually for Reduced Tax Rates
Co-Led Effort to Ban Surface Toxins in Lockport
Approved Numerous Infrastructure Projects
Worked to Finalize Master Bike Path Plan
Pushed for Safe Crossings in Residential Areas
Homer Township Fire Trustee
2008 - 2017
Worked to Reduce Expenses during Tenure
Worked on Grants to Offset Equipment Expenses
Worked with Board and Union to Upgrade Apparatus
Jointly Agreed to Efficiencies with Union
Stepped-in as Interim Board President
Worked to Modernize HR & Finance Operations
Achieved Highest Level of Trustee Accreditation